e-Twinning - ISC Monti Dauni

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Essere Scuola eTwinning significa formare parte dell’Europa collaborativa, innovativa che non conosce frontiere e abbraccia il dialogo educativo fra diversi Paesi, come filosofia di vita.
Grazie agli studenti, a tutto il personale della scuola, alla DSGA, grazie alla Dirigente, Professoressa Diana Riccelli, per aver sostenuto la creazione, in ottica europea, di prodotti collaborativi transnazionali.
Terzo biennio consecutivo Scuola eTwinning!!!

Essere scuola eTwinning significa formare parte dell’Europa collaborativa, innovativa che non conosce frontiere e abbraccia il dialogo educativo didattico, fra diversi paesi, come filosofia di vita. Grazie agli studenti, a tutto il personale docente, ATA e, soprattutto, grazie alla Dirigente, Professoressa Diana Riccelli, per aver sostenuto la creazione, in ottica europea, di prodotti collaborativi transnazionali.
Congratulations! The “ISC "Monti Dauni" di Celenza Valfortore” has been awarded with the eTwinning School Label 2023-2024. This is a great achievement by the eTwinning team in your school! The official announcement will be published on the European School Educational Platform shortly and on other eTwinning and European Commission's news channels. What's next:
·         You can proudly use the eTwinning School Label on your school's website.
·         Shortly, your National Support Organisation will send you a package containing some eTwinning materials and of course the eTwinning School plaque.
You will be invited to participate in the eTwinning Schools group and in the various activities dedicated to eTwinning Schools.
Congratulations again for being an example for all the other schools: we count on your dedication and commitment to promote eTwinning and its values, which are represented by the eTwinning Schools' mission (you can download the eTwinning Schools' mission here).
The eTwinning Team

"Our Precious Tales!" featuring Angela De Cosmo, our school teacher. The performance project is carried out with mediums from many schools of Italy, Spain, Poland, Albania and Turkey. to reveal 'values' with our fairy tales in education. The project is designed for September 2020-June 2021. Values ​​related to each joint project (Tolerance-Love-Courage-Responsibility-Empathy) and posters, videos, stories etc. It also created 6 different stories. Their involvement as a transfer of values, for example as an example, is one of the results of their competence in English and IT.

'Adventures of the Atmosphere' Completes With Good Achievements
In the eTwinning project 'Adventures of the Atmosphere', carried out with 18 partners from 7 different countries, the activities carried out within the context of the atmosphere theme, which was integrated with English, were completed with useful achievements.
The international eTwinning project 'Adventures of the Atmosphere', which started to work in September, 2020, was carried out with the project team consisting of volunteer students from the 4th and 5th grades under the guidance of our Italian teacher Angela De Cosmo
. Within the scope of the project, the theme of atmosphere was enriched with experiments, STEM applications integrated in English, interviews with experts, art events, effective use of web 2.0 tools, online interviews with teams from mixed countries and joint activities. Our students in the project team had the opportunity to use English in an authentic environment. In addition, while our students' digital literacy skills increased, the use of English as a communicative tool enabled our students to experience a natural language development process and develop a positive attitude towards language use.
You can visit https://adventuresoftheatmosphere.blogspot.com/
to access the videos and images of the project.
71035  Celenza Valfortore (FG)
L.go San Nicola n. 2 - Tel. 0881 554868
Codice IPA: istsc_fgic82400l
E-mail:  fgic82400l@istruzione.it
Pec:  fgic82400l@pec.istruzione.it
C.M.: FGIC82400L  -  C.F.:  91010660719
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